
How to get Results checker Card on your Mobile Phone

Here Is How to Buy WAEC Results Checker Card Using MTN Mobile Money

Do you know aside from purchasing the WAEC results checker card from sales outlets, you can purchase some through MTN Mobile Money. We bet you never knew this.

Here is how to go about it;

  • Dial mobile money short code (*170#)
  • Select Pay bill
  • Select General payment
  • Answer the prompts as indicated
  • Payment Code: monicliq
  • Amount: 9GHC (enter multiples if you want to buy more than one)
  • Reference: WAEC (see notes)
  • You will be prompted also to provide your MTN mobile money pin in order to authorize the transaction.
  • The Result check voucher will be sent via SMS once payment is confirmed.
  • The SMS will be sent to the number from with the transaction was initiated.
  • The results checker can be used for all exams conducted by WAEC (BECE, SSCE, WASSCE, ABCE, GBCE).

WAEC Result Checker Pricing
There are different price for WAEC Result Checker, depending on the quantity and if you are a registered agent.

Ordinary Mobile money number (All networks)
1 -9 pcs : 9 GHC each
10-20 pcs: 8 GHC each
20+pcs: 7.5GHC each

How to buy WAEC Result Checker using TIGO Cash

  1. Dial the MONIcliq portal short code (*714*783#)
  2. Select Buy Voucher.
  3. Select WAEC.
  4. Enter the Quantity you want to buy (see notes)
  5. Enter and confirm the recipients phone number.
  6. Confirm the transaction details.

You will recieve a PEOMPT form TIGO CASH within 30 seconds to confirm your transactions.

Enter Your TIGO CASH PIN to confirm the transaction a

And the Card will be sent to your to your Phone as SMS.

How to buy WAEC Results Checker using Vodafone Cash

The procedure described below works only for customers with active Vodafone Cash accounts. For other mobile money service users please refer to instructions in the appropriate section of the knowledge base.

  1. Dial the MONIcliq portal short code (*714*783#)
  2. Select Buy Voucher
  3. Select WAEC
  4. Enter the Quantity you want to buy (see notes)
  5. Enter and confirm the recipients phone number.
  6. Confirm the transaction details.

Your will received a prompt from Vodafone Cash within 30 seconds to confirm the transactionEnter your Vodafone Cash Pin code to authorize the transaction.

  • Result checker details will be sent to the recipient via SMS
  • If you want to purchases of more than 5 result checkers please contact our customer care department to have the codes emailed to you.

WAEC Results Checker Pricing

  • Ordinary Mobile money number (All networks)

1 -9 pcs : 12 GHC each
10-20 pcs: 11 GHC each
20+pcs: 10GHC each

  • Merchant Numbers or Registered Agents

1 -19 pcs : 11 GHC each

20+pc: 10GHC each

Sometimes, based on the numerous students that are rushing to buy the WAEC results checker card, there may be shortage of cards and such is why mfstitch.com took the lead to provide you this simple tutorial on how to buy the WAEC results checker card using Vodafone Cash.

How to buy WAEC Results Checker using Airtel Money

How To Buy WAEC Results Checker Card Using Airtel Money

The procedure described below works only for customers with active Airtel Money accounts. For other mobile money service users please refer to instructions in the appropriate section of the knowledge base.

  1. Dial the MONIcliq portal short code (*714*783#)
  2. Select Buy Voucher
  3. Select WAEC
  4. Enter the Quantity you want to buy (see notes)
  5. Enter and confirm the recipients phone number.
  6. Confirm the transaction details.

Your will received a prompt from Airtel Money within 30 seconds to confirm the transactionEnter your Airtel Money Pin code to authorize the transaction.

  • Result checker details will be sent to the recipient via SMS
  • If you want to purchases of more than 5 result checkers please contact our customer care department to have the codes emailed to you

WAEC Results Checker Pricing

  • Ordinary Mobile money number (All networks)

1 -9 pcs : 12 GHC each
10-20 pcs: 11 GHC each
20+pcs: 10GHC each

  • Merchant Numbers or Registered Agents

1 -19 pcs : 11 GHC each

20+pc: 10GHC each

Sometimes, based on the numerous students that are rushing to buy the WAEC results checker card, there may be shortage of cards and such is why mfstitch.com took the lead to provide you this simple tutorial on how to buy the WAEC results checker card using Airtel Money.