If Everyone reading this donated ₵1 to Allghschools. We could reach so many peoples demand and provide recent news on Ghana schools.
Allghschools is an organization with the aim to make information on Ghana schools readily available to all Ghanaians and the world as a whole. This is a massive mission and hence we need the help of everyone to help us meet the demand of people realize and his aim.
Making information available to all persons across the country and the world has great benefits as a whole.
Individuals and Groups can get accurate decisions information on Ghana schools based on researched data which would simplify their lives and increase their probabilities of success.
This will avoid wastage of time and resources and improve efficiency and productivity at the individual and group level.
Allghschools is serving as a pool of efficient and researched data on Ghana schools to simply clear your confusion and help you create the future that you imagine.
We believe that Knowledge is the only true fuel for development. The search for knowledge, the analysis of knowledge and the application of knowledge analytics to your custom life defines your development in all aspects of your life.
What do we use the donations we receive for ?
Data Analysis.
We gather data and analyze them to produce the information people seek.Information Officers Recruitment
We have a technical team that ensures the website is easy to use and simple for everyone
In Summary, We want to expand to help more people get accurate information to make their lives easier. Any Amount is acceptable to us.
To donate, Kindly send any amount of money to Mobile Money 0544728305.
Note:Mobile Money Account Name is Richard Korankye.