
Ho Nurses’ Training College

Details of Ho Nursing Training College Cut off points 2025;

The Ho Nursing Training College Cut off points 2025 is very exential in gaining admission process into the school of nursing. Generally, applicants applying for entry level admissions are supposed to have at least 3 core passes of between A1 – C6 and 3 elective passes in relevant subjects.

The Ho Nursing Training College Cut off points 2025 is aggregate 24 in relevant six core and elective subjects. The Ho Nursing Training College admission requirements are however most relied on during the admission process.

Ho Nursing Training College 2025 Courses, the following are all the list of courses and programmes offered at Ho Nursing Training College


1. Registered General nurse (RGN) Diploma
2. Registered Mental Nurse (RMN) Diploma
3. Registered Midwifery (RM) Diploma (females only)
4. Registered Community Health Nurse (RCHN) Diploma
5. Technical Officer Community Health, (Nutrition option) Diploma
6. Technical Officer Community Health, (Disease control) Diploma
7. Technical Officer Health Information, Diploma
8. Technical Officer Medical Laboratory Technology, Diploma
9. Technical Officer Environmental Health, Diploma
10. Technical Officer Oral Health, Diploma
11. Diploma in Community Medicine (Medical Assistants ) Diploma
12. Certificate in Community Health Nursing, (CHN)
13. Certificate in Environmental Health (Environmental Health Assistants)
14. Certificate in Community Health ( Field Technicians)
15. Certificate in Clinical Health Care (Health Assistants Clinical)
16. Certificate in Clinical Health Care (Reproductive Health Option) females only
17. Physiotherapy (Certificate)
18. Certificate in Medical Laboratory


1. Diploma in Community Medicine (Medical Assistants)
2. Ophthalmic Nursing
3. Peri-Operative Nursing
4. ENT Nursing
5. Public Health Nursing
6. Critical care Nursing
7. Nurse Anesthesiology
8. Community Oral Health


I. Certificate in Community Health Nursing (CHN)
II. Certificate in Environmental Health (Environmental Health Assistants)
III. Certificate in Community Health (Field Technicians)
IV. Certificate in Clinical Health Care (Health Assistants)

Below is the Ho Nursing Training College admission requirements



2.1.1 Auxiliary Programmes

  1. Community Health Nursing (CHN)
  2. Health Assistant Clinical (HAC)

Table 5: Requirements for Auxiliary Programmes

Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateA cutoff aggregate score of Forty EightA cutoff aggregate score of Thirty
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising(30) or better in six subjects,
3 core and 3 electivecomprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three coreAT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three core
i.e. English, Mathematics andi.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in threeAT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
GradesElective subjectsElective subjects

2.1.2 Diploma Programmes

Diploma Nursing programmes offered in Health Training Institutions are as follows:

  1. Registered General Nursing
  2. Registered Mental Nursing
  3. Registered Midwifery (Females only)
  4. Registered Community Health Nursing

Table 6: Requirements for Basic Nursing Programmes


Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateAn aggregate score of thirty (30) or betterAn aggregate score of Twenty Four
in six subjects, comprising  3 core and 3(24) or better in six subjects,
electivecomprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and MinimumCredits (A1  C6) in three Core Subjects i.e.Credits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
GradesEnglish, Mathematics and Integratedi.e. English, Mathematics and
Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumCredits (A1  C6) in three Elective Subjects.Credits (A  D) in three Electives

3.1.2 Diploma Programmes

  1. Environmental Health (Diploma)
  2. Technical Officer (Dental Technology)
  3. Occupational Therapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Community Nutrition
  6. Health Informatics
  7. Prosthesis and Orthotic Technology
  8. Optical Technology

Table 8: Requirements for Diploma Programmes

Age18 – 35years
Overall AggregateAn aggregate score of thirty Six (36)An aggregate score of Twenty Four
or better in six subjects, comprising 3(24) or better in six subjects,
core and 3 electivecomprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and Minimum GradesCredits (A1  C6) in three CoreCredits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
Subjects i.e. English, Mathematicsi.e. English, Mathematics and
and Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum GradesCredits (A1  C6) in three ElectiveCredits (A  D) in three Electives